sábado, dezembro 07, 2013

Why I feel good about US chances

At first I felt the fear passed through the TV via the talking heads on screen. I cringed with them when Team USA landed in the Germany group. I cringed again when for the 3rd World Cup in a row the US got hooked up with Ghana. My hat trick of cringes and those of the guys on the TV came when Cristiano Ronaldo's Portugual also landed in the American group.

Then I stopped cringing and started thinking.....

Wait a second this could be good!

First of all, I didn't want the US to go to the World Cup to see them play Belgium, Chile or some other mid to low level team. The fun of it is to see the US against the big guys. Ever better get them early while they aren't that tuned up. Remember Portugal in 2002?

Secondly theres Ghana. This isn't bad. Bad would be Nigeria , Cameroon or Ivory Coast. That would be new. Unknown territory. We know Ghana or at least we have played them twice before in World Cups. Yes, we did lose and guess what, that sucked back then but for World Cup 2014 that past record is great for us. Not only could Ghana get cocky but YOU KNOW the the US boys will be on a mission. They will not want to lose to Ghana again. The US will play their hearts out.

It gets better.

After Ghana we hit the lottery! We get Portugal and not Germany. This is the best scenario possible! Portugual will be coming from a tough game against Germany. The US match will be a downer for them in comparision. Try going on a date with Scarlett Johannson and then dating Suzie from the local Diner. Thats what Portugal will be feeling. They will feel anti-climatic and think she, I mean we, are easy. Oh did I mention we beat a stacked Portugal in the 2002 World Cup?  Look Portugal may speak Portuguese, but they are no Brasil.

And then theres Deutchland! Hand ball! That was a effin hand ball ref!!!!!! (I will never let that go) With a little luck Germany will show up at the US game on cruise control and with 6 points. Foot off the accelerator and maybe even missing a few key players due to cards, injury or malaria?

So yeah, I'm liking this. Not only do we get three great matches and matchups but I certainly can see a path to the round of 16. Beasley said after the draw that maybe we can get a draw and then added "or better" against Ghana. No Beasley you need to win that game. No draws. Win. Period. No if or buts about it. You need to get 'Tiger eyes' (look up Iarley 2006 Fifa Club world cup olho de tigre) for this one. Just do it Beasley and the other 21. No soft talk when it comes to Ghana. Olho de tigre!!

Win that first game and suddenly its a whole new world. Things would have been much worse if the order of games were inverted and Germany came first. That would then have really been a bummer but Ghana first is our big chance.

I like it, I like it alot. We really have a shot here.

Ps: desculpe ai galera mas tive que postar esse texto em Inglês pra compartilhar com uma galera. Quanto ao Inter to tranquilo para amanhã.

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